The Jean Monnet Chair “EU-rope through films: History, Identity, and Policies (Ciak-EU!)” has launched a new teaching course on Europe and the European Union (identity, history and politics) at the University of Link Studies (LCU). The course is the educational cornerstone of the JM Chair, around which many other seminar and debate activities revolve, aimed at LCU students, but also at a wider audience outside the University. For this reason it also lends itself to Third Mission activities. Title of the course: “Europe and the EU through Cinema and Media” (“EU-rope through Movies&Audiovisual Media”). Teaching hours: 50 Degree course: Three-year degree course in DAMS (better if aimed at first-year students) Period: second semester for the three years of the professorship. Contents: The course intends to present Europe to students as an ideal and cultural space and the European Union as a place of political action and public debate through the images and language of cinema, through commented documentaries and audiovisual communication. The course traces the events of European construction and integration along the macro themes of identity, history and politics, involving students in the debate on the nature and purposes of the EU. This more historical-philosophical and political-social perspective is accompanied by another, specifically aimed at presenting the role of cinema and other artistic-communicative expressions (docufilms, historical documentaries, official EU audiovisual representations, podcast channels, etc. ) in the construction of a common conscience and a community narrative capable of generating a European public communicative space.